TuitionChalkboard Animation

We offer a comprehensive range of courses to suit many levels. We also use video analysis so you can see how you learnt and improved. If you haven’t had any experience in teaching come and learn how to teach and clock up some hours, once you have your instructors certificate you’ll be eligible to work anywhere in the world as a qualified AYF Instructor.    

Level 1 Photo Level 1 Basic Skills

2.5 hrs on Saturday and Sunday, or during the week  This is an introduction to windsurfing, upon completion we guarantee you’ll be up and sailing competently.   Cost: $145.00 covers instruction and all equipment.

Bookings essential

Level 2 Improving Techniques
Level 2 Photo

3 hrs on Saturday and Sunday, or during the week     Learn how to gybe, tack and beachstart                   Cost: $180.00 covers all instruction, equipment and wetsuits.  $160.00 - supply own gear

Bookings essential

Level 3 Photo
Level 3 Stronger Winds

3 hrs on Saturday and Sunday, or during the week    Learn correct stance, harness technique, the fast tack and flare gybes. Cost: $180.00 includes instruction all equipment and wetsuits.  $160.00 - supply own gear

Bookings essential

Level 4 Photo
Level 4 Advanced Techniques

3 hrs on Saturday and Sunday, or during the week.       At this level you’ll learn to waterstart, carve gybe and sail faster. Cost is $180.00 includes instruction, equipment and wetsuits . $160.00 - supply your own gear.           (All sessions will be held in planing conditions.)

Bookings essential

Instructor Photo

Want to be an Instructor ?

The school  runs both Assistant Instructor and Instructors courses in Yachting, Dinghy sailing and Windsurfing, all are AYF approved and run by a qualified Sailing / Sailboard Master. Upon successful completion Balmoral can provide employment opportunities either with the school or at any one of our affiliate centres worldwide.                                                                                

Assistant Instructor

2 day course, 9hrs - cost to be discussed


Candidates should hold their AYF National Windsurfing Scheme level 2 Certificate  before attending the course


The course is run over 7 days, this involves a trip away and a number of evenings - please contact us about the cost


Candidates for the Instructors Certificate should:

- Must be at least 18

- Have logged at least 40 hrs assisting an AYF instructor at an AYF approved centre since gaining the Assistant Instructors Certificate

- Hold at least level 3 proficient certificate

- Hold a current senior first aid certificate

- Hold an AYF T13 National powerboat handling certificate

  Bookings essential.

Instructor Course Information


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